Photos How to Build an Antenna Archie found the fox Group Foxhunting Eric foxhunting Terri Foxhunting with KC9QXO Foxhunting Picnic forest Preserve Scott KQ9B grilling the HDogs Picnic 2014 Forest preserve Picnic IRL Picnic 2014 Scott Grilling up Hot Dogs Grilling Hamburgers at the Picnic The New Addition to IRL Homemade beam antennas for foxhunting First Annual IRL Picnic 2014 Eric showing off his antenna for foxhunting Foxhunting Group Foxhunting Keith Found the fox Group narrows down the fox hidden in the tree Eric Found the fox Archie and his wife Jolie visit the Special event station Museums on the Air Museums on the Air KQ9B and KC9ZST Scott operating Museums on the air event Watch tower downtown Pontiac from Operators area view Watch tower downtown Pontiac from our view operating Terri outside museum having fun. Bill and Terri camping out at Museums on the Air KC9QXO operating Museums on the Air Bill setting his tent up Bill inside of the Museum at the remote antique radio station that is hooked to a Radio Station in the area for special events. the Campfire at the campground for the Museums on the air weekends. Bill KC9QXO operating for Museums on the Air Bill and Terri operating the Museums on the Air event Scott KQ9B operating at the RT 66 Museums on the Air Ralph operating at RT66 event.